
Friday, April 13, 2012

Global Study - Passive Smoking Kills 600,000 A Year

A recent global study by WHO has confirmed the dangers of "Passive Smoking" or inhaling second hand smoke.

Passive smoking is the inhalation of smoke, called second-hand smoke (SHS), or environmental tobacco smoke (ETS), by persons other than the intended 'active' smoker. It occurs when tobacco smoke permeates any environment, causing its inhalation by people within that environment. Exposure to second-hand tobacco smoke causes disease, disability, and death.

Image courtesy of Healthy Living

The results of this study, which have been completely misrepresented in some news reports, are very much in line with the results of similar studies both in Europe and elsewhere: passive smoking causes lung cancer in non-smokers.

The study found that there was an estimated 16% increased risk of lung cancer among non-smoking spouses of smokers. For workplace exposure the estimated increase in risk was 17%. However, due to small sample size, neither increased risk was statistically significant. Although, the study points towards a decreasing risk after cessation of exposure. It also found passive smoking to be particularly dangerous for children, creating a higher risk of sudden infant death syndrome, pneumonia, asthma and upper respiratory infections.

This study is proof enough that a ban on smoking in public places needed to be introduced. For the simple fact that smoked filled enclosed spaces such as restaurants and offices affect everyone that is exposed.

Image courtesy of Beast Cancer World News

Only 100% smoke-free environments provide effective protection.

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